May 10, 2018
On April 11, Kamen Joshi member Tomoka Igari was hospitalized following an accident where a sudden gust of wind blew over a signboard which collapsed on top of her, causing injuries to her head, legs, and spine.
After several weeks of private discussions with Igari, her family, and her doctors, Kamen Joshi’s management issued a statement this week on the group’s website:
“Regarding Tomoka Igari of Kamen Joshi:
Tomoka Igari was involved in an accident when a strong wind smashed her spine and caused a serious spinal cord injury. She is currently paralyzed in her lower body and cannot move her legs on her own. She will be in a wheelchair from now on, and will be hospitalized for three months to begin rehabilitation. Tomoka will continue to be a member of Kamen Joshi and we will support her wishes. We are truly sorry the report was delayed. Please support Tomoka with us.”